
How to Deal with the Tough Topics of Class 10th Biology of CBSE?

The Class 10th Science of CBSE   comprises of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.  This blog post will talk about how to deal with the tough subjects of Biology. Biology plays a significant role in class10th CBSE as the marks obtained in class 10 th decides whether the student can choose it in class 11 th or not. The second reason is that it clears your basics of Biology. Plus, the student can also choose it as a career. Though Biology is considered as a tough subject as it is the study of long processes of living organisms but the following approaches will make it much easier for you to study Biology. The approaches are described below: 1.      Study from generic to specific 2.      Learn the terminology well 3.      Learn through Laboratory Experiences 4.      Employ diagrams and  drawing to learn the concept 1.      Study from Generic things to specific things - Study from generic to specific refers to the meanings that firstly, understand the main heading

7 Tips to Score Higher Marks in Mathematics (Class IX Mathematics)

Mathematics has been considered the toughest and most important subject since ages. Though Math is an interesting and scoring subject but is a nightmare for some students. Well, this blog post will provide you some interesting and easy methods which will help you gain the highest marks in the examination. Some tips are given as follows: 1.      Understand the concept very clearly 2.      Study according to the marking pattern prescribed by the education board 3.      Make Math joyful, not stressful 4.      Learn the theorems, formulas, and tables by heart 5.       Learn the short-tricks for multiplication, subtraction; addition and Division fast and easily- 6.      “Practice makes a man perfect” 7.      Neat and clean writing   1.      Understand the concept very clearly- William Paul Thurston says, “Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding.” Understanding the c

What's the Best Way to Prepare for Class 10 Science?

10th grade Science is absolutely fun! And scoring in this subject is really easy, given that you study it and practice it every single day.   When you talk about Science, you talk about 3 subjects basically: Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. So, let's first start with Chemistry.   CBSE Class 10th Chemistry comprises many interesting topics including Carbon and Compounds and Table of Elements.   Only if you could manage to attend all your Science classes in school and revise what your teacher taught you in the class, your chances of scoring in Chemistry go up like anything! If you're not satisfied with what you learn in your class, you can then power up your learning with online Chemistry video lectures . Bright Tutee is a respected name in the edu-tech industry and offers very interactive and comprehensive online video lectures for Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and all other subjects of class 9th and 10th.   If you ever felt like taking up an onlin

How to score better marks in class 10th Mathematics?

Board exams are only a couple of months away. And if you have not prepared well, you must start preparing from now on. Mathematics has always invoked emotions of fears in the minds of millions of students. And it continues to do so. But at Bright Tutee, we have found a way out. A one of its kind pedagogy - Learn | Assess | Practice The secret to succeeding in Class 10 Maths examination lies in learning comprehensively, instant assessments, and practice. That's what Bright Tutee is all about. At Bright Tutee, we help you excel in Mathematics by providing you with very comprehensive video lectures. Some of the most experienced Maths teachers connect with you through these lectures. In their video lectures , they take up every single topic and chapter. They solve every important textbook example and question. They refer to NCERT books. They look up to other reference materials as well. They conduct live doubt clearing sessions as well. And they do it all with one go

Live sessions - a blessing for the students

Bright Tutee Live Sessions At Bright Tutee, we believe every student has immense potential. If the students get the right kind of environment and support from family and teachers and classmates, they can do the impossible. To help out our students with their subjects, we, on a very regular basis, conduct live sessions. Our teachers connect with the students and help them clear off their doubts. As students, it's difficult to feel fully prepared until you have unresolved doubts about a chapter or topic, whether it is Trigonometry from Mathematics or a chapter titled The Little Girl from English. Doubt clearing sessions are aimed at addressing these doubts and make students more prepared for their internal or board exams. The benefits You get a chance to learn from very experienced teachers  Bright Tutee has some of the most experienced teachers on board. These teachers have been teaching for years. Some have even more than 20 years of teaching experience.

Chandrayaan 2 - A mission to know the unknown

ISRO launched its much-awaited space mission, Chandrayaan 2, on July 22nd, 2019. From the space research institute to the people in the government to the media houses to the common folks, everyone was going gaga over the mission launch and the groundbreaking insights the mission can provide us with. Taking a walk into the unknown With Chandrayaan 2, the Indian scientists intend to go where no country has ever gone before - the Moon's south polar region. The successful execution of the mission will enable us to know more about the Moon. We will have insights and discoveries which will shape up future lunar expeditions and encourage the new generation to be scientists and explorers. What makes Chandrayaan 2 special? You probably don't know that Chandrayaan 2 was initially meant to be a joint venture between Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and ISRO. Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) was to design and develop the lander, and ISRO was tasked to devel

Bright Tutee Introduces Live Sessions on YouTube

Bright Tutee Live Sessions on YouTube Bright Tutee, India's most the affordable learning platform will come live on YouTube with its team of teachers from 19th August 2019, with a series of Doubt Clearance Sessions. In these live sessions, our team of teachers will connect with class 9th and 10th students every day, between 3:00PM to 4:00 PM and 4:30PM to 5:30PM. The first live session on 19th August will see Bhawna / Susmita discuss Motion  and clear off students' doubts. In the second session, which will be conducted the same on between 4:30PM to 5:30PM,  Bhawna / Susmita  will address class 10th students and clear their doubts related to Chemical Reactions and Equations. Why should you watch these Live sessions from Bright Tutee? §     You will be learning from highly experienced and compassionate teachers. §      Get conceptual clarity on complex topics §     Clear your doubts for free  §     During the live lectures, we will als