India rises in global innovation index with a jump of 5 points!

Global Innovation Index 2019 Indians are known for Jugaad , the literal translation of the word is frugal innovation. No matter what, we have this innate ability to find a Jugaad to almost every problem, every challenge that comes our way. The latest GII rankings released by Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal re-affirm our love for innovation. The rankings put India on the 52nd slot which is 5-points up from the last year's 57th rank. In the words of Mr. Goyal, “I'm happy that we have reached the 52nd rank, a couple of ranks lower than what we were aiming for. But we will continue our efforts to reach upwards of top-50 ranks in the GII that PM Narendra Modi set a goal of, and we want to assure that India is poised to focus on research and development." He also noted that “The launch of the event in India is a significant event and a recognition of the Government of India’s commitment to innovation in recent years.” He also said that “GII is a useful ...